Sunday, July 7, 2013

Rainbow Gathering

Wow, what a trip it has been. We ended up spanging for a while in Idaho Falls, to get a full tank of gas.

After getting through idaho falls, Keith, krishna, and I finally arrived at the rainbow gathering. Rainwolf found a ride with some guys in a van. After the police hassled the heck out of us looking for drugs, we found a place to park. It was dark, and I just passed out on the ground next to the car, but in the morning I got a  stunning surprise

By the end of the week, this gorgeous valley held 10,000 hippies, and lots of organic food and controlled substances. It was nothing short of amazing.

So after I woke up, I hiked down to orient myself. Since it was set up as a commune, there were about 60 different kitchens that served free food (but asked for labor) I found a campsite at the end of a nice quiet meadow. I then met some people cutting wood, and decided to help. When nightfall fell, I found out we were cutting wood for a massive drum circle that contunued all the way to dawn. Of course, I did some hard  core shirtless tribal dancing to the 40 bongos and cowbells people brought. I also found chanting and singing very satisfying.

The next day I did some yoga on the hill side, and learned abouut lots of theories about the flow of energy through the body. It was also nice to be greeted with a "lovin you", which was the unoffical greeting of the gathering. I went to eat at main circle, which is the common dinner almost all the kitchens contribute to. Needless to say, I ate so many many...  I also got to meet a yoga girl from texas named christine, and some new neighbors on the meadow, Carter and Joelle. I also met a nice couple on the trail, Abbey and Noah.

Later, I went to a kitchen full of old hippies and heard the best reggae music in my life. When I closed my eyes, I fell into the famous euphoria of the jazz musicians, and that was amazing. All the music of the gathering was organic, and all of the musicians were amazing. I also found out what a zuzu is. It is a ganja laced desert, which will indeed make your head spin. Yea... that was a long night.

The next night at the same kitchen, called "lovin ovens" I met a man that made bio-gas, and alternative fuel. Since i'm into that kind of thing, I thought it was awesome to meet a contact. Later I went to this beautiful mountain stream and washed up with some people. It was gorgeous, and nudity was so common that no one cared (except the patrolling park rangers)

The next day i went to the trade circle. No money is allowed, only things to trade. I ended up trading an extra multi tool i acquired on the road for a handmade flute.

On July 4, about 4000 people joined in this massive circle and ohmed for world peace, with the children in the center. After the ohm, there was a wild drum naked drum circle dance, which i absolutely participated in. I also got a sun and seagull painted on my chest, since my Mom used to say my Indian name would've been lost seagull. But maybe the seagull found his home. There was generally tons of love and care. Of course there was the bad apples, but generally everybody genuinely cared and accpeted everyone else. And about a quarter of the people were travelling kids, and this really was their home.

Later I met more meadow neighbors, Andy and Carrie. This was a young couple who had been doing work exchange for an organic vegetable and cannabis farm in Oregon, owned by a college professor. So I ogt thier contact info, and am going to try to contact this guy near portland.

Finally, I found a ride to Idaho while chopping veggies for a kitchen. I ended rolling out with a car full of travelling college kids, most from Olympia. There was ten of us crammed in to this suburban, 5 laying down in the cargo area.

About half way through, we found a beautiful hot spring pool secluded on a forest trail.. It was late, and everybody stripped and jumped in for about two hours, scrubbing away the week of stinking body odor. We also did a massage train in the pool, which was super relaxing after being crammed into the suburban for hours. Eventually I was dropped off in Lewiston, ID where I got a motel room to clean up and get ready for the work exchange in McCall, ID.