Friday, June 14, 2013

Stories on the Greyhound

This bus ride from Chicago to Colorado Springs was everything I hoped it would be. Any writer looking for inspiration for characters needs simply to hop on a cross country greyhound!

The first man I met was delfino, a 50 year old stout Mexican with broad shoulders and thick muscles. As we got to talking I told him I took some Spanish classes in school, so he drilled me on my Spanish vocab. But the coolest thing was he was never taught to write. In stead he would spend hours with a Spanish and English bible, and copy the sentences , since he knew the meanings from church! By copying bible verses, he can now write at about a 5th grade level, and he's still trying to improve.

The next character I met was Eduardo, and did this guy have a story! Eduardo can over when he heard delfino and I talking Spanish to each other. Eduardo didn't know a lick of English and was excited to hear Spanish. After talking with Eduardo in my broken Spanish for a while I found out Eduardo was an 18 year old Honduran who crossed the border illegally. He was caught by immigration police in Houston l, then bussed up to a New Jersey detainment area. However, the judge allowed him to stay in the US long enough to apply for a visa. He was headed to Lincoln NE to stay with an uncle there. So I taught him some English and he taught me Spanish, and delfino translated when we got stuck. I also learned an iphone in honduras is $1000, so he was pretty amazed when he saw mine haha. Now I have a friend in Lincoln who has connections in Honduras, all from a greyhound. 

Who'd a thunk it?

So now I'm almost Colorado Springs!  
Teneis un bueno dia Mia amigos y vayais con dios!


  1. Dear johnny,
    Wow this is absolutly amazing. You're doing it ( not that I had any doubt at all). I have just become your fan and my inspiration. I hope all is well and please keep this updated. Have fun and keep traveling. Maybe stop by thailand if you get the chance.

    Your friend,
    JT Samart

    1. Hey JT! I hope Thailand is treating you well also! You know one I'm just going to show up at your door! you wont even see it coming!

      Hold down the fort in SE Asia bro!
      Jonny Sieg

  2. Hola! Que Pasa!
    It is a long bus ride to Colorado Springs but it seems you met some interesting people to talk to and learn from. Looks like those years of spanish class might be paying off as well. Be safe
